27 Mar 2016

DIY - Paper Flower Pot - Tutorial

Weather gets better, warmer and sunnier and there are showing up first spring flowers. This inspired me to do this DIY, but you may ask - why to make fake lowers when you can get real ones? And here the answer - 1. they last waaaay longer, 2. I don't want to kill real flowers or to see them slowly dieing on my table (eather cutted or growing in the pot) 3. as I every few months go for couple of week away for holidays there's no way I could have real plant at home.

For this DIY you will need:
  • Tissues or crepe paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Jar
  • Newspaper

Cup paper into strips and fold each strip at 1/3 and then in half.

Smear folded strip with glue (in the middle or a bit to bottom side of the strip). You can do it all at once or by parts.if you feel that it may be too messy.

Carefully start rolling strip. At first roll it simply and then gradually create ruffle.

Technique stays the same if you are using tissues or want to make two color flower. But for the tissues you may need fold them more. Also need to be more gentle to don't tear them. And for two color flowers before folding simply place second color strip on top.

Next step is to put all together. So take a jar.

Place the tissue on top of the jar. Crumple the newspaper and tuck it in jar letting the tissue hide it. Then tuck in leftover tissue sides so that they create decorative ruffle.

Glue on created flowers to the newspaper. I did it randomly, checking where each flower looks best.

And voilaaa! Cute flower pot is done! 

You also can check out the video tutorial, to see how it was done!

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